- 14 min
Tips and Ideas for Adding or Changing Rules to Board Games
Rules for a board game govern and instruct how the activity is to be played but it can be sometimes worth it to amend or add to these...
- 7 min
Puzzles That Are for Dogs
I am not a vet and nothing in this article is veterinary medical advice (see disclaimer). There are puzzle toys that are not designed for...
- 6 min
The Reasons Why a Puzzle Toy Can Have So Much Replayability
A puzzle toy can be played with as a toy but also presents a challenge in the form of a puzzle so is an object that can be physically...
- 6 min
Puzzle Toys for Adults
I must first state that I am not a doctor and this article does not contain any medical advice, treatment or diagnosis (see disclaimer)....
- 9 min
The Reasons Why Board Games Are So Popular and Still Played Today
Board games may seem like an old-fashioned source of entertainment with the many forms of entertainment that are available now such as...